
Mirai Internet of Things IoT DDoS sets record 600+ GB/Sec and your refrigerator could have been one of the attackers!

What is the Internet of Things (IoT) ?

In today’s technological expansion everything seems to be connected to the Internet, for instance in my own home I have my refrigerator, thermostat, video cameras, tablets, cell phone, TV, xbox, DirecTV box, printer, security system, laptops, servers, workstations, Ethernet tap, a switch and a router all connected to the Internet! This is all collectively referred to as the Internet of Things, basically everything connected to the interwebs.A lot of devices that connect to the internet now are a combination of hardware and software (firmware) and are not commonly updated and patched as that requires typically flashing the firmware. New vulnerabilities are being discovered daily in these devices and being used in botnets to conduct massive Distributed Denial of Service attacks.

There is a new botnet being used to conduct IoT attacks and it is called Mirai and the source code has been leaded onto github here https://github.com/jgamblin/Mirai-Source-Code

Mirai functions by infecting IoT devices by trying to brute force their passwords.The tactic it uses to brute force passwords is entering commonly used and default passwords. Several things have been noted in Mirai.Such as the bots being written in C and the command & control being written in Go and the fact it contains a list of IPs for which to avoid activating its scans on.



对 Mirai 病毒的初步分析——物联网安全形式严峻

前几天,半个美国的吃瓜群众纷纷表示上不了网了。经过各种调查,发现是一个代号为 Mirai(日语:未来)的病毒感染了物联网设备,形成了一个僵尸网络,最终这个超大型的僵尸网络向美国某 DNS 公司的服务器发起了 DDoS 攻击。Mirai 的 C 语言源码在网上很容易获取到,刚好我最近在上计算机病毒课,于是就下载下来研究了一下,顺便看一下以自己现在的能力可以理解到哪一步。

下载下来之后粗略看了一下,第一感觉就是作者的代码风格真的是超级好!不光代码格式很赞(虽说大括号放到了下一行),而且变量名、文件名都很有目的性,重要的地方都写了注释或者打了 log,因此分析起来还是相对比较简单的。


Mirai 源码目录结构是这样的:

├─loader           # 加载器
│  ├─bins          # 一部分二进制文件
│  └─src           # 加载器的源码
│      └─headers
└─mirai            # 病毒本体
    ├─bot          # 攻击、扫描器、域名解析等模块
    ├─cnc          # 使用 go 语言写的服务器程序
    └─tools        # 存活状态检测、加解密、下载文件等功能
